Thursday, November 13, 2008

What just happened here?

I would like to begin by thanking my parent-friends who told me to buy stock in tummy drops. Ahhh tummy drops. These things are bottled magic and I don't know why they're not hoarded and sold for drugs on the street. Personally, I believe there should be a law passed requiring every sex scene in every movie to end with one partner saying to the other "That was great, but not as great as tummy drops". This would apply to everything from porn to those sappy-ass romantic movies. So regardless if it's Tom Hanks finally getting to nail Meg Ryan in Sleepless on AOL with Mail in Seattle or if it's the worst kind of depraved cultish fetish driven leather film, the actors would have to say "that was great, but not as great as tummy drops."

Everything wasn't peaches and cream last night though. I don't really recall what exactly happened, but the wife was trying to get Nolan to sleep for half the night, and I was feeding Lilly about every two hours (it's usually every three, but apparently Lilly needs to eat more).

This is all clearly our fault. We let them sleep too much during the day yesterday. I'd love to say we wouldn't do that again, but the kiddos are sleeping soundly right now and we're not stopping them!

We're a week removed from the birth of our kids today. It's been a really challenging road. Wife had a rough c-section delivery -- our doula called it the scariest c-section she's ever seen -- the wife lost a lot of blood. So between the blood loss, the recovery, my inherient desire for sleep and my overpowering sense of entitlement and laziness, this last week has been a true test of our mettle. We feel we're starting to get through this first challenge. The kids are sleeping better (although you wouldn't know it by the way I bitch all the time). We're getting the hang of the whole feeding/diaper/laundry/washing bottles/sleep thing, and we're picking up awesome tips -- like tummy drops! Wife is on the mend with her c-section recovery and related major surgery issues. And the kiddos have dropped their post-birth weight and should be gaining weight again. They're certainly eating more. So all-in-all, it looks like we're on the right track

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