Friday, November 21, 2008

I've been terribly neglectful

All right all right, I get the point -- I failed to update the blog for 4 days and left the adoring public wondering what happened. Did we get abducted? Did my bacteria-growing overtake the family like a blanket of death? Or am I just lazy.

The answer is that last one. Lazy. I'm a little lazy. Some people might call it very lazy, but those people are jerks.

Since our "Doctor" Harvey Karp meltdown, the children have been doing pretty well. They're sleeping OK, and they're on a somewhat reliable schedule. We went to the pediatrician and got their first vaccine. Hepatitis B. More on that later.

First -- More about me

I was sick. I don't believe I am sick any longer. I went to my doctor on Monday. She's a real doctor, unlike "doctor" Harvey Karp who lied to us in his book of lies. I've been on antibiotics, and I feel great. I went back to work on Tuesday, and that's been surprisingly OK so far. Although I believe my wife gets lonely here at home. Fortunately she's had help. My mother, parents-in-law, father, Wife's sister and my sister have all chipped in this week. It's been cool.

Now -- about those kids

I suppose I should write about the children. After all, this is a blog about them. Let's start from the intake to outgoing.

INTAKE -- Food

They've been eating really well. About 3 ounces eight or ten times a day. They're gaining weight They're two weeks old (already!) and they've gained a little more than their birth weight. They're doing great. I'm really proud of them and their growin.

Outgoing -- Worried....but then impressive!

My baby girl didn't poop for like two days. That was weird. But then she uncorked whatever she had stuck up there cause she's been pooping like she's angry at us. The boy farts like the old man, which makes me cry a little (that's my boy!)

Bottom line is that the kiddos are doing fine. That's made us very happy. In perspective, things are good with our family. We have two healthy kids who are intaking and outgoing like healthy kids.


Sleeping is still a hit or miss proposition. We had two GREAT nights. I mean great nights! They slept for consecutive periods of about 4 hours, which is just fantastic. But yesterday, they had their Hepatitis B vaccine. This made them fussy. Uncontrollably fussy. End of the earth ear shattering fussy for no reason out of control kill-me-now Defcon 1 I'm going to blow up the Death Star fussy! Little did we know BEFOREHAND that vaccines makes babies fussy.

The wife and I had a moment where we said (literally) that maybe it'd just be better if they got hepatitis. Seriously. How much worse could it have been than this?

But they're better now. They've been sleeping most of the day. Lilly just crapped her pants something awful, so I gotta go.

Sorry, no pictures. I can't be hilarious all the time!

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