Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm apparently growing bacteria like a human petri dish

I went to the doctor. I have some kind of bacterial infection. Might be strep. Maybe not. Who knows?

Doc said, "don't breathe on the kids". Too bad I spent the entire previous day shusshing them in their ear like Dr. Karp said I should in his book. Stupid Dr. Karp.

(This shit makes a lot more sense if you know who Harvey Karp is. Use teh Google)

So now we're in monitoring mode, analyzing every sneeze, poop and barf to determine if the kids are also culturing more bacteria than Britney Spears's hoo-ha after a night in Las Vegas. So far, they seem healthy. Temperature is normal, attitude is the same fussyness as always. The screaming is the same wail as before. The poop is definately okey-dokey. By the way, does it amaze anyone else that babies will just kinda hang out with shit all over their undercarriage? I'd scream like crazy if I had dookie all over me; but that's just me. (Look, I used a semicolon! Maybe incorrectly).

Me, I'm on antibiotics now. Feeling much better. I would like to thank my real doctor, who is an actual real doctor and not Doctor Harvey Karp.

The childrens were fussy last night again. They're strange that way, they'll have a good night, then a bad night. Last night was a bad night. But I slept really well from 11 to 3 and from 3:30 to 6 or so, so I took the kids from 6 to whatever time it is now so momma could get some sleep. I have to go back to work today though, and that kinda sucks. I really don't know how people do this. I'm sure I'll look back on this all someday and laugh. Or maybe just shake with anxiety and fear.

We're thinking about selling one of my kidneys to get a night nurse. This is one of those things that sounded crazy just a couple weeks ago that now sounds like the most rational, common sense idea in the entire world.

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