Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It has been reported to me that I'm a giant puss

In the process of reviewing my brilliantly written insight into my brain, the wife commented that I complain a lot. This was reinforced by my constant complaining to anyone who will listen.
My whining to co-workers, my commentary to the mailman about how much sleep I got while standing in my underwear, the crank caller I kept on the line for 10 minutes.
What can I say? I'm kinda a puss like that.
I whine, I complain, I make things that other people deal with sound worse than they are. But here's the deal. I like sleep. I like it a lot. And I don't get it anymore. And it's all just starting. I've got the next year or so to look forward to this.
So I should focus on the good things that are happening now.
So I will.
For one, we had a great visit with the pediatrician today. The babies are doing fine. For two, my babies are almost a week old, and I can't believe that. For three, my little babies have the cutestst little expressions when they're not screaming for no reason at all (negative? Maybe so...blow me).
I'm thrilled to be a father. It's the biggest thing I've ever done, and if I don't totally screw this up, I'm poised to have an impact on two young lives -- and this time, for something good. That's exciting. Really exciting. Like the reason why I'm here in the first place.
There was one of those stupid inspirational posters up in the pediatrician's office today. It had a picture of generic white boy on generic beach in genericsville USA and the caption said something like "In 100 years it won't matter what car you drove, or what house you had, or how much money you made, but it might matter to a bunch of people if you positively impact the life of a child". I almost got teary. I didn't, because that would be totally lame. But I bet somebody less awesome than me did at some point.
So I'll be less negative. Everybody goes through this. My parents went through it. Yours did too. Yes, it's harder with twins, but if we play this right, we only have to do this once, and then we get to reap all the joy of raising two beautiful, smart children who will always have each other.

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