Monday, November 10, 2008

First night -- are you f*c&ing kidding me?

So we settle in around midnight for a 3 hour sleep before the next feeding. Nolan starts crying. Then Nolan starts screaming. We try to "fix him" for a couple minutes until we give up and decide to just feed him -- even though we just fed him 2 hours earlier. So we feed him, burp him, check his's now 1am. Remember -- feeding at 3.

So then he settles in next to his sister (who hasn't stirred at all even a little). Nolan sleeps a little, but then, on cue, Lilly starts whining. We eventually feed her.... I lose track about what time it is now.

I remember seeing the clock around 4:30am. I remember thinking that I had slept for about 30 minutes. I remember thinking about taking the manufacturer up on the warranty return policy for these babies, but then I remember that we got them "as is".

The first night was a real challenge. The kids are totally making up for that right now by being unbelievably adorable. Wow -- I have a newfound respect for parents everywhere.

By the way, was my dog just using my computer?

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