Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Favorite Things

For those expecting dad's sarcastic wit, you'll have to wait... this is mom's first post. Only took me 6 weeks. I've been compiling a list of my favorite things. Some sweet little moments I don't want to forget in the crazy rush of caring for two babies... so, hum to yourself a little "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens" -- These are a Few of MY Favorite Things:

Baby snoring.
Nolan is a daddy's boy! He already sounds like dad after a night at Harrisons. Seriously, the child is 6 weeks old and he can wake me up with his snoring. Lilly wants her own room. I think it's adorable.

Breathing in my ear.
Nothing is sweeter than one of the babies falling asleep on my shoulder and sighing in my ear. Screaming on my shoulder not nearly as cute.

Popeye crying.
Sometimes Nolan gets really worked up. You know, super-upset crying, totally losing it. This is sad. But also funny because he inevitably says "Wubbu wubbu wubbu" with his bottom lip quivering.

Bathtime baby fuzz.
After their baths, the babies' hair gets all fuzzy like a baby chick. You have to look on the back of Nolan's head for this because his hairline starts about two inches above his neckline. Sweet little male-pattern baldness. There will be no further comment about how he may or may not have inherited this trait.

Milk stoned.
Lilly really likes to eat. After she throws back a full bottle, she totally zones out and appears comatose. Not a brownies-with-Mr.-Hottie coma, but close. We feed her often.

Tiny hands.
They wrap them around everything and it is melt-your-heart adorable. Lilly especially likes to hold my fingers. Nolan usually grabs for boobs (see above about inherited traits). Even when they pull my hair, it's still cute.

Ok, that's it for now. Stay tuned for Mommy Confessions Chapter One: You Have to Clean Between Their Toes?


Anonymous said...

Awww - sweet favorite things. I am looking forward to Mommy Confessions. I could probably write a set of encyclopedias!

Paradowski said... much I enjoy Ben's sarcastic wit, that was a nice deviation.