Saturday, June 20, 2009

Updates are in order!

I believe that all parents find that six or seven months into things, you begin to get the hang of how the situation works. What was novel and new at the beginning is now commonplace. So when Nolan barfs up dinner and his bottle right before he goes to sleep -- thats an event that would have been blogworthy five months ago, but is now just another Wednesday. Likewise, the wife and I used to comment "oh -- I was holding Lilly up over my head and she spit up in my mouth". Now we just say "good morning". Our lives have changed. Things are much different for us, but gradually they're turning back towards some degree of normalcy.

We've lost touch with some friends, but we've also gained new friends through this experience. Our priorities are totally different, which makes heading out for an 8:00 PM drink with buddies a zero percentage possibility. On the other hand, the value of things I considered pussy olympics five years ago -- things like "play dates" -- is now tremendously increased.

This whole experience has also made me feel closer to my parents in a weird "paging Dr. Freud" kind of way. I feel like I've somehow validated the trouble I gave them for most of my 33 years by giving them these two bundles of adorable goodness. Maybe I'm reading too much into that. Then again, the thought that either Lilly or Nolan would treat me like I treated my parents makes me cringe a little inside. They better not! Filthy bastards.....

The kids are doing all sorts of cute things. Lilly dances in her exersaucer. Freaking dances. It's the cutest thing ever. And Nolan -- that little kiddo just loves his daddy. It's great, he laughs his head off when I "attack" him. They're healthy happy little children. So yeah, they still poop nuclear shit that I believe is the base material Saddam cooked into the chemical weapons he used on the Kurds, but they make up for it.

Lilly even un-fucked herself enough to stop waking up at 5 A.M. Yahhh!

We had our six-month photos.. Here's a taste

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