Monday, June 22, 2009

Damnit damnit damnit!!!

Every single freaking time I say something good.....GAHHHH!

Do y'all remember this crap?

Lilly even un-fucked herself enough to stop waking up at 5 A.M.

Posted on flippin SATURDAY???

Guess who decided it'd be just super-awesome fun to whine-cry (not real crying -- that'd be rude) from 3:30am to 5:30 am? Just guess? That little girl with the wookie growl.

Parents -- don't ever say good things about your kids. They'll just go and fuck you on it.

I guess the good news is that she did eventually work out her issues and go back to sleep. Lilly honey, if you're reading this, that's not a complement -- so don't decide to stop doing this just cause daddy said nice things about your self-soother.

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